
Swedes can be grown on a wide range of soils including sandy loams, silts, peat or clay loams. The desirable soil properties needed are; ease of working, good aeration, good structure and sound drainage. Avoid soils with pans and ensure a pH of around 6.5.
The majority of swede crops are now sown with precision drills, which require a level seedbed. Early drilling in April should be made with minimal cultivation passes to reduce compaction. Later drillings in May/June are often made in hot, dry conditions so try to undertake the seedbed cultivations in early spring to reduce soil moisture loss. Weeds should be eliminated between seedbed preparation and sowing. Seed should be sown at 1-2cm depth and left well firmed on the top. Precision or space drills are capable of accurate placement of individual seeds (e.g. Stanhay Webb). Swede seeds are naturally spherical, however, they are graded in size using a nationally agreed code letter system of ‘H’ (1.75mm-2mm). Rows should be 38-42cm apart. The ideal spacing within the row is generally assumed to be 15cm. Spacings for varieties may vary to achieve the ideal marketable size of the roots. Early varieties (low DM) can be sown from early April to late May. The varieties for utilisation in late winter should be sown in April to June.
Fertiliser should be applied into the seedbed. Swedes are responsive to Boron, which should be applied to soils with a deficiency.
There are a number of pests which attack the swede crop from sowing, through to maturity. In order to maximise crop establishment and minimise crop damage, it is advisable to sow treated seed.
Most fodder swede crops are grazed in situ. However, it is important to remember to select a variety (or varieties) to cover the period you wish to graze. It is advisable to use an electric fence to reduce wastage. Forage swedes can be lifted and the roots stored in a clamp. The roots need to be clean and free from soil. Try not to store any damaged roots as this will encourage fungal diseases.
Sowing period April-June
Precision drill 350g-850g/ha (150g-350g/acre)
Grade H Direct drill 3kg/ha (1kg/acre),
Natural seed Broadcast 4-5kg/ha (2kg/ acre), Natural seed
Please call the office on 01437 781780 for further advice and to purchase the right variety of swede for you.